Ramayana Practical Lessons | Is Ramayana Real?

Is Ramayana the truth or just a popular story? This year, the archaeological survey of India began a new project. This will help to find out if Ram Setu is man-made or natural and carbon date the bridge.

In Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu, a strange phenomenon is observed. Stones there float in water. Some believe the stones have Shree Ram inscriptions on them and that’s the reason why they float on water even today.

Is Ramayana our history or mythology? Many intellectuals have given their opinion on this topic. Some experts have given all sorts of names to Lord Ram.

Today we will see, If Ramayana has any real value in our lives? The point I want to make is, If the religious aspect is separated from Ramayana then does it have lessons that make a difference even today?

I have my own interpretation, maybe you have your own.

So let’s see,

What do we learn from the Ramayana that is still relevant today?

Ramayana Practical Lessons

1. Humility

You must have heard of the Shiv Dhanush story. During Sita’s swayamvar, many capable princes try to lift the bow. But none of them manage to lift the heavy bow.

Ravan, who could even lift the Kailash mountain, failed at lifting the Shiv Dhanush as well.

Only Shri Ram can lift the Shiv Dhanush. Because before lifting the bow, He bows and prays. The one who can conquer his/her strength as well as ego is indeed truly capable. And this lesson seems to be extremely relevant today.

Social media allows us to share our achievements with others. It has become easy to get praise for having a huge following. It’s also easy to be burdened by our past achievements as well. Through its characters, Ramayana again and again teaches us humility.

Hanuman, who is not even afraid of a force like death, doesn’t consider himself above everyone else. He considers himself a devotee. His humility wasn’t his weakness, it was his strength!

And we need to learn this simple message even today

2. Our society

Shabri was a devotee of Lord Ram. She would collect ber/berries from the forest everyday. And she would taste the ber everyday. So that Lord Ram only gets the sweetest fruits.

Shabri was a tribal woman. So how could Lord Ram eat half eaten berries? That’s what everyone thought. But Lord Ram ate the ber and said to Shabri that “Shabri’s gesture reminded him of his mother, Kaushalya”.

It’s important to understand the context!

Shabri’s intention was not to leave the ber half eaten, Her intention was to make sure Shree Ram got only the best fruits.

I you take actions with the right intentions, even if society doesn’t understand your intentions, a higher spiritual power will definitely understand it.

Shri Ram was showing society a mirror through his actions. Duty is above religion, caste, creed. This was a lesson he left for us

3. Satyameva Jayate (The truth always triumphs)

If you look at it, the fight was between Ram and Ravan. What difference did it make to the Vaanar sena?

From a fish to an elephant, all helped to make a bridge from India to Lanka. From the sea to Jattayu, everyone helped Lord Ram.

Supporting Lord Ram was akin to supporting the truth. If person wants to achieve impossible things then the person needs to take help of all environmental forces even if the person is an avatar of God.

Truth always triumphs! This words has inspired people not only in India but abroad as well.

“The arc of the moral universe is long, But it bends towards justice” ~Martin Luther King Jr

But even then some people ask, Ramayana real?

I think we’ve got the answer to this already in the past.

The Mauryas and Guptas took leadership lessons from Ramayana.

The Chola Kings took the Ramayana outside India. Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia have countless stunning temples and these temples value the Ramayana.

The Ramayana taught Chhatrapati Shivaji to be an ideal leader. Because he didn’t take the story at face value but understood the deeper meaning behind its words.

Sometimes, we get so busy in the trivial details that we don’t understand the meaning behind the story. We just can’t read between the lines.

Today it doesn’t matter it the Vaanar sena had 1000 or 1 lakh. It doesn’t matter whether Ravan had 10 heads or 10 bad qualities. It doesn’t matter if Ram was an extraordinary leader or an avatar of God.

What we learned from the Ramayana makes a difference!

History Never Repeats Itself – Man always does ~voltaire
If we don’t learn from our history how will we move ahead?

I want you to ask yourself this one question as well. Has the Ramayana helped to solve any problem in your life. Even if it is a small seeming problem too.


Why should two siblings support each other?
What is the value of a promise?
And what is the impact of the wrong company?

If your answer is Yes, then at least from your point of view, the Ramayana is real.

Thank you. I hope these Ramayana Practical Lessons helps you in your life. Must share with your friends.